Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My comment after the post on What Jesus do you serve?

I can say that I live for Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God that the Word speaks of. Before my conversion two years ago I can say that I lived for many of the "false jesus'." I had a jesus for everything that made ME happy. I had a jesus that went with the flow so to speak. One that never made me feel guilty or that I was doing wrong. I am so thankful the Lord had mercy on me and revealed Himself to me powerfully through His chastening and correcting. It was through that my eyes were opened and I saw the TRUE Jesus. He loved me that much to correct me. He could have let me continue to live the way I was, full of religion. I was so fake. I was so vain. It really boiled down to worship of SELF. The true Jesus that never sinned, that hates it. Jesus that is Holy and calls us to be holy too. No excuses saying, He was perfect and I am not. It isn't about that. It is about being obedient and if He says do it, do it! He won't tell us something we can't do. We are to work on it daily to look more like Him. The One whose blood was shed for me visited me in a powerful way. I am so thankful for His mercies that triumph over judgment. It was after I felt the total separation from Him and darkness that is tangible. I could feel the darkness and as though I was hanging over hell. A fear gripped me that is hard to describe. I knew then I was damned. I was lost. None of my "religion" or "good works" were speaking to me at that point. I KNEW I was lost. I remember sitting on Diane's couch at a ladies Bible study and the pressence of God was so strong. All I could do was whisper the words, "I'm not saved". This coming from a "Pastor's wife" who was leading a Church. I responded with repentance. I changed the way I thought. I went a step further since I was in an elder position to go to those that I hurt and ask forgiveness. I made right what I did wrong. I was to be above reproach and I wasn't. I was supposed to live in the world but not be of it. I was so worldly and carnal, but I was good at masking it. As I walked out repentance, HE spoke to me and said "not guilty". I knew then that my sins were forgiven and the JUDGE said I was right with Him. Now I live for the REAL Jesus Christ. The One that gave us the Word to live by and use as the standard of our life. TRUTH! He is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. THAT is the Jesus I serve now. I destroyed all the other jesus'...the ones that were lying to me and were false. Do they try and resurrect to tempt me, YES! Do I allow it, NO! I have to DAILY take up my Cross and follow HIM. The Cross is not a one time event. We have to revisit it a lot since we are subject to vanity every day living in this world. What is sad, is people can't hide what jesus they serve. Yet, they say they love Jesus with all their heart. Our lives show who we serve. One day when we stand before HIM, he will either say depart from me I never KNEW you, or enter in. We better judge ourselves daily and if need be visit the Cross and die to our desires/will. I know I will. We better not think the Cross is a one time event in our lives. We better not sell Jesus out for all the other jesus'. We better walk in the Truth of the Word and not by opinion. I for one will not back down when it comes to Truth. I may become an outcast to friends and family but I will not compromise in order to have those things. Hey, that may even come across to "some" as self righteous. You are welcome to your opinion, but I have the battle scares where I had to kill self and lay down my will in order to take up His will. I know the war that takes place and yet I have overcome because of obedience to Him. He tells me when I am wrong and when I need to visit the Cross. How? I know His voice, I read His Word (daily, not when I feel like it), I subject myself to His Body and the Light of fellowship (it's my life, not a once a week thing) and I listen to His prophets (not the false ones, but the ones that live the Word and their words line up with the Word). So I have the right to speak the Truth in love and be transparent.


Darla Brady said...

LOve you kellie!!! Jesus had true love and MANY left him and even called Him the devil. Jesus calls them little flock. I know for me, no matter what it cost me here, I just want to bless the Lord!!! Love doesn't always come out as pretty and flower like. I'm thankful for HIs truth and true friends that stand the test of time!!! It's amazing how trails in life show you who your true family and friends are. I'm thankful that all things come to light. Lord judge me here so I won't be judged later!!!

Diane Hebert said...

Don't you just love that "Which Jesus Do You Serve"? Seems like that feeling is all over the globe. People are sick of the seeker-friendly gospel. What an insult to ones intelligence...unless you are one that just wants it spoon fed to you like a babe!! Praise God for His Truth that sets us free! It is so incredible to live for Jesus---the REAL Jesus! I love you Kellie! You and your family are the bomb!

The Alfords said...

That's right Darla. In today's Church people would have considered Jesus' ministry as a complete failure. His "love" cost him thousands of disciples. When He said what it would cost, they said the message was too HARD and left him. John 6:41-66 He then looked to the 12 disciples and said, "you do not want to go away also, do you?" I am like you, Peter and the many others we know that say, " Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. His WORD is Truth and I love it. Thank you for being a GREAT friend. Thank you for discussing the Truth with me. Love you too!

The Alfords said...

Love you too Nan! You and Brother Teryl are just like David Wilkerson. You have stood against the test of time and proven yourself to be true prophets speaking Truth. Thank you for supporting us and encouraging us to grow up. Thank you for being real and sharing your own struggles. Thank you for walking in Holiness as a testimony to your conversion. Wow! I am so blessed, this day has been awesome. Scott, myself and the kids all love you so much! You two are great friends.

Shelia said...

We also thank our church family... for without everyone holding us accountable, the way the Word instructs us to do, we too would have thought we would make it into heaven, but were deceiving ourselves. We have always been good people, who have always read our Bibles and treated others as we would like to be treated and tithed to the local church we went to BUT after joining this body of believers, who genuinely love one another, as Christ instructs us to and who don't get offended (forever) at one another, I have a newfound peace in my heart,....not the false peace I used to feel. I KNOW when I face Jesus one day, He will say, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." For knowing the TRUTH and sharing it honestly and not being imtimidated by goats who don't want to hear the TRUTH taught.....we will be eternally grateful to our church family and friends. I once was a goat but thankful I am now counted in the flock of Jesus. Like you, I pray for others who are still blinded by the untruths of this world, that are rampantly being spread around. I too understand it will take the Holy Spirit to open their tightly closed eyes to see the TRUTH but if He can do it for us, there might be hope for others out there. I always remember, "there but by the grace of God go I." Amen?! Shelia